Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Plyron & Other Specialty Sheet Goods

Plyron is an exterior grade plywood that has a hardboard surface. You can also buy it in a tempered condition. Despite it's costs it works well for stage decks, particularly since you can lay one floor. One theatre I worked at made its own with a sheet of plywood (I think they used 3/4" cdx) glued between 2 (one on top and one on bottom) sheets of masonite.

Load span tables are available at:

Another Simpson Product is Skidgaurd. While I have not used it, I would be curious about the theatrical use of the product, particularly on rakes, or where masonites slippery surface is a problem. The surface would not have the same finished edge of course, but the safety factor would make it a worthwhile material to test. More information on that can be found at:

Another nontheatrical sheet product is Arborite. It has a high strength to weight ratio, and has good electrical and mechanical properties. A PDF describing its qualities is available at:


  1. What would you suggest to paint exterior plyron with so it is easily cleaned with a mop and the paint will not pull up when spike tape is used?

    1. AnonymousMay 21, 2012

      The manufacturer's web site, , states that the product "must be primed and top coated for exposure in external applications."

    2. AnonymousMay 21, 2012

      Because the web site link was stripped from the last reply.... The manufacturer is Olympic Panel Products. You'll need to do an on-line search to get to the web site for more information.
